At the Grand Hotel Tien Shan, the comfort of guests comes first. The hotel staff takes care that nothing prevents you from enjoying a good rest.
Living in a comfortable hotel, you should not worry about such household chores as washing and ironing clothes. At your service, the hotel has a laundry service, whose staff will quickly and efficiently bring any of your clothes into perfect condition.
We try to provide the guests of the Grand Hotel Tien Shan with the maximum number of services for a comfortable stay. Laundry will allow you to forget about the problems associated with the lack of clean clothes or with its contamination, which you yourself are unable to cope with or do not want to spend time on it. If you urgently need to wash and iron a shirt, trousers, dress or other wardrobe items, then you can contact our laundry, where as quickly as possible any of your clothes will become perfectly clean and tidy.
Clean and ironed clothes will be delivered directly to your room. And in case you need to use the laundry service again, just inform the maid and leave your laundry in the room.